Andale Ready Mix Inc. is a family-owned business that was started by Jim and Cindy Molitor in Andale, Kansas in 1972. In 2000, their two sons, Pete and Bill Molitor, took over the business with the goal of expanding it while maintaining its core values of hard work, family, and faith. Their strong family values and work ethic have been instrumental in the company's success over the last five decades. Andale Ready Mix Inc. was named the 2018 Family Business by the Wichita Business Journal, a recognition of their commitment to excellence in business and family values. Their dedication to their employees is evident in the quality of work produced by their skilled drivers and trainers, and their commitment to safety, which has earned them the Morginson Safety Award for five consecutive years. Overall, Andale Ready Mix Inc. is a testament to the power of hard work, family values, and a commitment to excellence in business.

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Life at Andale Ready Mix